Artwork by Lisa Iris
Greetings at Imbolc: The Feast of Brighid!
Spring will be a little late this year . . .
I don't know about you, Brighid is yet to be seen walking the land, which is still fast asleep after one of the coldest winters on record. And many of you have told me about unusual weather conditions in other parts of the world. So where is Bridie? When will we catch a glimpse of her green mantle in the sleeping woods . . . hear her soft footfall in the rustle of a spring breeze, or see the daffodils trumpet her return with the lengthening days?
The lesson here is that while the calendar may tell us that it is Imbolc, the land knows otherwise, so it is up to us to align ourselves with what is, rather than what we expect or hope for. Aligning ourselves with a greater Will or Power is one of the most important stages on the spiritual path, because without first doing this we are simply driving ourselves down a linear – and often limited – freeway that we have imposed on our lives and the world without working cooperatively with the deeper wisdom of the Universe.
Brighid has much to teach us about Alignment, for her influence extends through all areas of our lives: body, feelings, mind and soul.
#bridget #brighid #imbolc #candlemas
🌟 Today’s Crystal Wind Oracle: TRUTH WARRIOR ⚔️
Stand strong in your truth! Revelations cut through illusions. Expose lies, fuel change with courage. 🔥 Your fearlessness inspires others. Inner victory: conquer self-deception! 💥
👉 Explore more:
Lily Angel - You're enveloped in angelic love. Someone treasures you deeply. Send or expect flowers, especially lilies, symbolizing rebirth.
Discover more with the app or deck! 📱🃏
#CrystalWind #OracleCards #LilyAngel #AngelicLove #SpiritualSigns #Rebirth #OracleReading
Lorelei - The Power of Attraction
Your desires will come easily; harness your charisma wisely.
For more, get the app or deck! 😊
#oraclecards #oracle #crystalwind
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