Mercury Retrograde is here! Starting on December 13 at 2:09 a.m. ET and ending on January 1, 2024, at 10:07 p.m. ET, this planetary motion brings a shift in communication. When Mercury appears to move backward, it alters the pace and energy of our daily lives. Retrograde motion, originating from Latin words retro (backwards) and gradus (step), goes against the usual directional flow of spatial bodies in a system.
This retrograde initiates at 8 degrees of Capricorn, an earth sign linked with karma, discipline, and ambition. Expect revisiting unfinished professional tasks and reconsidering long-term commitments. The influence of Capricorn might compel you to rework projects, highlighting the significance of tradition and social status. Explore more about the impact of Mercury Retrograde here:
🌟 Today’s Crystal Wind Oracle: TRUTH WARRIOR ⚔️
Stand strong in your truth! Revelations cut through illusions. Expose lies, fuel change with courage. 🔥 Your fearlessness inspires others. Inner victory: conquer self-deception! 💥
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Lily Angel - You're enveloped in angelic love. Someone treasures you deeply. Send or expect flowers, especially lilies, symbolizing rebirth.
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Lorelei - The Power of Attraction
Your desires will come easily; harness your charisma wisely.
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